My parents moved into Munson in 1950, I was only 10 years old at the time. They had two stores 2 thousand feet East of the drive-in, Joes beverage and Joe’s super market, what good memories I had their, especially during my high school years, at this time the drive-in was called Hazelwood drive-in. The layout of the area has not changed much at all, this was good entertainment for the money at the time which I think was 75 cents per person and when you think about this it’s still a good deal.
I was just there last Friday night to see “Hotel Transylvannia” and “Here Comes the Boom” on screen one. Not only were the movies amazing, but the snack bar was outstanding. I used to go a long time ago with my grandparents to drive-ins, but have not had a chance for a long time. Keep creating memories!!!!
I remember many years ago coming to Midway with my family. When you grow up you have a couple memories you remember forever , for my family thats Midway ! I loved this place a a kid and bring my children here. Drive in’s are almost gone and it soooooo sad. Its not just a movie , its an experience you kids will remember forever. I promise you !!
This is a VERY GOOD time for our family. We all love it. The prices in the concession area are very reasonable. Seeing 2 or 3 movies – man, now that’s a bargain!
We tried this drive-in last month and WOW!!! Everyone had a great time. Now we go every two weeks.
Just had a great evening Wednesday, July 14 at screen one. My family has been coming down to Midway from Aurora for about 11 years and the refreshment area, parking area and bathrooms have never looked better. We always pay for the food permit but still end up partronizing the snack food area. We continue to encourage other families to join us at Midway during the summer. The screen and brightness were very good even on a clear night like last night. Thanks for giving my family good memories over the years.
Jim B
My father used to own 2 drive-ins when I was in my teens and we used to work there as a family. Great memories. I am bringing my 2 sons (8 and 18) soon to your Mayfield location and cannot wait for them to experience it! Just driving by brings back so many memories!
As a child I used to come to Midway Drive-in and I always had a great time. Fast forward (many) years later and I now bring my daughters there. Midway is a clean, friendly place to bring my family to. I love the food and the atmosphere and I will continue to bring my family, and encourage others to bring theirs to Midway for years to come. Thanks again,
We’ve lived in Willoughby Hills for over 3 years now but only found out about your drive-in 2 summers ago. We’ve been hooked ever since. We love it. This past weekend we took our daughter & 3 year granddaughter & saw Night At The Museum & Wolverine X-Men. Our granddaughter loved your new pretzel bites w/ cheese. Grandma loved them too. Thank you for staying open all these years when so many drive-ins closed a long time ago. I went to the drive-in when I was a child & it is cool to be able to take my family. My fondest memory of the drive-in was at Ashtabula Skyway (bit the dust along time ago). I was 9 at time & my sister was 5. Our parents took us to see Herbie the Love Bug. Before the show & during the intermission they had this guy driving around the drive-in in a miniture Herbie Bug. It was awesome. Thanks for the new memories I’m making w/ my family. It’s great. God Bless! See ya again real soon!
The Wimers
The Smith Family Loves The Drive-In!! We Look forward to it every year! We visit the Mayfield Road Drive- In nearly every week. Rain or shine and always have a great time. Its great place for younger children to to experience the movies. They love not having to sit down and be quiet the whole time. We enjoy playing with our family in the big field before the movie and during intermission. The drive-in is a great place to spend time with and love on your family. Support the Drive-ins! We love them both! Thank you for giving us the Drive In. We’ll keep supporting them as long as they are here. We hope they are around for a long time to come!! Peace Luck and God Bless!
The Smith Family
My dad has been taking my sisters and I here every year since I was 3 (so its been 19 years)….and every time we come here, we have an amazing experience. Nothing beats spending time with your family at a drive-in.
I enjoy your drive-in so much more than inside theatres. We make the drive every time you have PG-13 and under movies all summer long. Thank you for the fun atmosphere!
Kris & Shonna
Hello. My family and I just visited Midway for the first time on July 4th, 2008. My kids and I had never been to a drive-in, this was quite an experience. This is such a great place for families to get away and spend a quiet evening together in this fast-paced world. I took so many photos that night, hopefully my kids will grow up and get photos of their families at the drive-in. Thanks for keeping it open, and the food was delicious!!! See you soon!!!
Hollie & Family
I writing to say thanks, My wife and I have been coming to Mid way drive inn since we married in 95. Now we bring our two children, who know enjoy it with us ! So we hope you are open for many years to come and Thank you.
Just wanted to thank you for staying open, are family looks forward every year to go to your drive in, that is the best place and we have created the most memorable memories!! thanks again see you on Friday!
My husband and I have been bringing our kids to the Mayfield Rd Drive In for years. it is our favorite thing to do in the summer. We get in our pajamas, bring our lawn chairs and blankets and spend some time with each other. I hope this Drive In stays open forever. I have a lot of good memories with my kids there.
We have been coming to the drive in as a family for 5 years now. We love it and think it is the best way to watch movies. I hope you stay open for ever. If the $5.00 fee helps you stay open then I will always pay it even when we do not bring outside food in It is still the best value for two movies, family fun, memories, and lots of laugh a family can have for the price. Please keep up all you do we do love it and will always return.
We took my son, who is 3 years old to see Horton Hears a Who tonight; at the Mayfield Drive In. The popcorn was great, the weather cooperated, and since this was my son’s first chance to see a “big boy” movie on the big screen, what better to do than take him to the drive-in. I can remember taking my wife to the Mayfield R. Drive-In last year for a date, which was special to us then. Tonight with my son was no exception. Thanks to everybody who makes this opportunity possible. I hope this drive-in never closes….
I have been going to drive ins since I was little and now I am taking my daughter and grandkids to Midway Drive In. It is so good to enjoy great movies in your relaxing place. My granddaughter talks about hopefully bringing her kids some day. The only thing I miss is the playground up front. Boy does that little thought age me. Hope you are around fo many years to come or I won’t be seeing new movies anymore, hate those small packed theaters.
Vicki C.
We LOVE the Drive-In!! One of the few fun things we can experience “just as it was” with our families … exciting memories we cherish. “THANK YOU!! ” for keeping this family, fun activity alive!! Movies are never better than when seen outside… while lounging in a chair, lying on a blanket or snuggled in the van with our PJ’S on! God Bless you,
Hi! I am 13, and I’ve been going to this drive in movie for as long as I can remember! The employees are extremely nice, and they can get the job done quick without any hassle. My dad, my boyfriend and I just came to see Cars and The Shaggy Dog not too long ago, and it was so funny how the movie didn’t start until a hour after it was supposed to because it was opening night and everyone wanted to see. Usually, my dad would get so frustrated if something like that were to happen at a regular old movie theater, but since this drive in is not an ordinary movie theater, I was surprised to see him laughing at all the cars wanting to get in! Almost every weekend, my dad will be like, “What do you want to do on Friday?” and I’ll say, “Well, I can see what’s on at the drive in!” Thank you for being the best drive in movie theater ever, and I hope you stay open for many more years to come!
– Loren
We are one of the many who love that you are still open and hope you continue to keep the “Drive In” a happy place to go too. From the time I was a kid I’ve enjoyed the drive in, from being a kid with snacks and blankets and pillows to dating and hugs and kisses. I’m so glad that we’ve been where we can take our children and there friends and foreign exchange students and other friends who have never experienced the drive in. Even today my children are surprised of their many friends who have never experienced the Drive In. I really think that many more would enjoy them if they were not so far to travel too, ( we drive an hour to get there). Home movies now are becoming a boring thing for most, it’s so much more adventures then TV. It’s still not so expensive that a family can not enjoy a night out with the kids unlike the high costs of the movie theaters. My kids just wish someone would buy the old Madison drive in and open it again so we would not have to drive so far for a wonderful time. Still we drive!
The Burkes.
Thank you, is not enough to tell you how much I appreciate you staying open! The Drive-In is a rare breed, like the dinosaur and I’m afraid they will soon become extinct. Not many children today are able to experience the Drive-in atmosphere! I enjoy taking my wife and daughter and we always let her invite different friends to enjoy the experience. I’ am amazed at how many kids today have never been to the Drive-In before! Going to the Drive-In will create memories which will last all of their LIFETIME!!!! Thank you so much for remaining in business and I hope you never close. I always buy your discount coupons. What a great deal.
We recently relocated from Indiana to Streetsboro, when I found out about your drive in, I was ecstatic!!! I went to the drive in as a child and now i get to share the same fun with my children.
I have always loved going to your drive-in since I was a child. Not only have I passed the tradition on to my children, but my grandchildren as well. So many of my kid’s friends had never been to the drive-in in their lives. I always felt sorry for them not having this fun and memorable experience.
The Midway Drive-In is a great place to see excellent summer movies! With the sequels and even “threequels” to some of my favorite films coming out this summer, I won’t have to complain about having nothing to do! Plus, it’s inexpensive so I can invite my friends and not make them have to pay for their own tickets. Thanks for keeping the good times rolling! –